Going Green With Polished Concrete
The desire to go green is something that has become very popular throughout the commercial and residential building industry. Homeowners, too, are taking advantage of the many opportunities available to them to help them save money throughout many aspects of their remodel.
Just a few of the benefits of polished concrete include:
The longevity of the floor is much greater than traditional flooring because polished concrete is less susceptible to damage from things like foot traffic. A polished concrete floor will almost never need replacing, and can go 10 years or more without needing any major maintenance.
Concrete is a great thermal conductor, and thus works
very well with radiant floor heating systems.
Polished concrete allows you to create a beautiful floor
without the use of harsh chemicals.
Polished concrete can increase the ambient lighting
throughout the home, ultimately saving the customer money.
Polished concrete is the only renewable and recyclable flooring that can be fully restored and done on site.
Check out some of the links below for information on why a polished concrete floor is ideal for the floors in your new LEED certified or Green build. Click on any of the text or pictures to be taken directly to the articles.